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This kind of enteritis how to treat it?

Author: Time:2021-11-0746 second

Information summary:  Fish got enteritis, has not eaten a week, and there are too many front-end time.Sometimes the fish is on the side, there is currently no cylinder,If the state...., My favorite IT :-), Taipei tiger seedlings, dress是什么意思, Zebra duckbill.This kind of enteritis how to treat it?

  Fish got enteritis, has not eaten a week, and there are too many front-end time.
Sometimes the fish is on the side, there is currently no cylinder,
If the state is not, the tour is very slow, anorexia, I got a bottle of proud 5,
Is there any fish friends who have encountered this situation?

======== How to comment on Xianglong Aquarium League fish friends =====

  Su QQ001002 fish friends say: What do you mean?I didnt understand, what should I do?"
Yu Xin fishy friends said: gastroenteritis!
Digital A fish friend said: Waiting for the big god to guide
JM_ fishy friends said: I think it will take advantage of the water quality. After three days, see if I can eat, dont eat the white film.
ZP850621 Fish friends say: Enteritis is a white tablet.
Fish tour water beauty fish friends say: Dont worry, slowly
Dark Night, Diyou, said: Rowing the stomach, careful violent
Zhuran, a passionate friend, said: white film
Lazy Han Siyou said: Will not, can not command
Guan Zhuoyou said: gentamicinbetta奶瓶使用视频What type of fish do the anchovies belong to&Can flying anchovies be mixed with small fish.Flying anchovies can be polycultured with stingrays^11 pattern flying anchovies pictures$What kinds of flying anchovies)How to feed flying anchovies$Benefits of polyculture of anchovies@Benefits of eating mullet% Orense Fish